To view specific Past Award Winners, click on the individual award link below:
Abstract Awards APCCMPD Award for Excellence in Fellowship Program Administration APCCMPD Award for Medical Education Research APCCMPD Award for Novel Fellowship Education Implementation
Educator Awards Emerging Educator Award Mid-Career Educator Award Outstanding Educator Award
Funding Awards APCCMPD, CHEST and ATS Education Research Award APCCMPD Scholarship in Medical Education Research Award ATS-APCCMPD Award Research Grant for Medical Education of the Physician-Scientist CHEST and APCCMPD Medical Educator Diversity Scholar Fellowship Award CHEST Foundation and APCCMPD Award Research Grant for Medical Education
For further information on Award Winners, Co-Authors, Topics and additional submissions, download a copy of the appropriate Awards Book by clicking on the link(s) below:
Abstract Awards
APCCMPD Award for Excellence in Fellowship Program Administration

The APCCMPD Award for Excellence in Fellowship Program Administration recognizes Program Administrators and equivalent roles for outstanding contributions to fellowship program administration through the development of best practices or processes that have been successfully applied to the administrative operations of a pulmonary, critical care, or PCCM fellowship program.
2023 Awardee Jessica Ratcliffe, MBA, C-TAGME Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Utilizing a New Customizable Scoring Tool to Recruit and Select Pulmonary/Critical Care Fellows |
2021 Awardee Barbara Gohre, BSHCA, C-TAGME University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix Organizing Clinical Competency Committee Meeting Information Through the Coordinators Role |
2020 Awardee Kelli Alderman University of Washington The Hackathon as a Way to Innovate in Fellowship Education |
APCCMPD Award for Medical Education Research

The APCCMPD Award for Medical Education Research recognizes pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary/critical care medicine Program Directors, Associate Program Directors, key clinical faculty, and Fellows-in-Training for their outstanding contributions and commitment to medical education research. The recipient is selected for conducting innovative research focused on undergraduate or graduate medical education in pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary/critical care medicine.
2024 Awardee Christopher Ghiathi, MD University of Pennsylvania Reported Endotracheal Practice Patterns of ABIM-Certified Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Physicians |
2022 Awardee Christopher Ghiathi, MD University of Pennsylvania Fellows’ Experience and Perceptions of Airway Management Training Within Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship |
2021 Awardee Nicholas Nassikas, MD Brown University Advancing Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Fellowship Training |
2020 Awardee Janae K. Heath, MD, MSCE University of Pennsylvania Examining the Relationship Between ACGME Internal Medicine Residency Milestones and Subsequent Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Milestones |
2019 Awardee Laura Hinkle, MD Indiana University The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Personal Statements From a Program Director's Perspective |
2018 Awardee Morgan I. Soffler, MD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Putting the Pieces Together: A Novel Simulation Assessment Exercise for the Evaluation of Medical Student Competency |
2018 Runner-Up Abdulrazak Alchakaki, MD Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center A Novel Simulation-Based Mastery Curriculum for Mechanical Ventilation (MV) in Pulmonary and Critical Care Training Programs |
2016 Awardee Bishoy Zakhary, MD New York University The Utility of High-Fidelity Simulation for Training Critical Care Fellows in the Management of Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation Emergencies |
2016 1st Runner-Up Kannan Ramar, MBBS, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester Effectiveness of Hands-On Tutoring vs. Self-learning to Teach Invasive Mechanical Ventilation to Critical Care Trainees |
2016 2nd Runner-Up Radhika Shah, MD University of Maryland Effective Learning in High-Cognitive-Load Critical Care Simulation |
APCCMPD Award for Novel Fellowship Education Implementation

The APCCMPD Award for Novel Fellowship Education Implementation recognizes pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary/critical care medicine Program Directors, Associate Program Directors, faculty, and Fellows-in-Taining for their outstanding contributions and commitment to medical education and training. The recipient is selected for success in applying an innovative educational method in their training program.
2024 Awardee E. Mirna Mohanraj, MD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai A Novel, Technology-Driven Health Professions Education Pathway For Cross-Disciplinary Fellows |
2023 Awardee Asil Daoud, MD Wayne State University School of Medicine Innovative E-Learning-based Curriculum in Non-Invasive Ventilation for Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellows |
2023 Awardee Christopher Ghiathi, MD University of Pennsylvania A Near-Peer Coaching Program for First-Year Fellows in the Intensive Care Unit |
2022 Awardee Aryan Shiari, MD Wayne State University School of Medicine Mechanical Ventilation Training of Pulmonary Critical Care Fellows During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
2021 Awardee Abdelaziz Mohamed, MD Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center A Pilot Curriculum and Creation of New Competency Assessment Tools for the Mastery of Chest Computed Tomography (CT) Scan Interpretation for a Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine (PCCM) Fellowship |
2020 Awardee Joshua B. Kayser, MD, MPH, MBE University of Pennsylvania A Novel, Longitudinal Curriculum for Communication, Professionalism and Ethics
2019 Awardee Stephen T. Doyle, DO, MBA The Ohio State University Mentorship During Training: Development of a Trainee-Centered Mentorship Program
2018 Awardee Sean J. Callahan, MD University of Virginia An Innovative Evidence-Based, Fellow-Driven Bundle to Improve Professional Satisfaction and Wellness
2017 Awardee Rosemary Adamson, MBBS University of Washington Leadership Education for Critical Care Fellows Using Simulation
2016 Awardee Jason Wagner, MD University of Pennsylvania A Longitudinal Curriculum for Training Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellows in the Principles of Quality, Safety, and Value
2016 Runner-Up Kannan Ramar, MBBS, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester Innovative Intervention to Improve Pulmonary and Critical Medicine Fellows Research Training
2015 Awardee Stacey Kassutto, MD University of Pennsylvania Implementation of an Outpatient Pulmonary Fellowship Curriculum
2014 Awardee Kannan Ramar, MBBS, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester Quality Improvement Education Incorporated as an Integral Part of Critical Care Fellows Training
2013 Awardee Marcos I. Restrepo, MD University of Texas Health San Antonio The Impact of a Structured Research Curriculum on a Three-Year Pulmonary/Critical Care Training Program
2012 Awardee Peter Lenz, MD, MEd University of Cincinnati A Multifaceted Board Review Program Optimizes Fellow Learning and Improves In-training Exam Scores
2012 Runner-Up Sunita Kumar, MD Loyola University An Exercise to Encourage Journal Reading Beyond the Weekly Journal Club
2011 Awardee Gabriel Bosslet, MD, MA Indiana University Encouraging Publication in Young Trainees: Development of a Local, Web-based "Case Archive" as an Introduction to the Peer-Review Process
2010 Awardee Laura Evans, MD New York University Development of a Research Curriculum for Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellows
2009 Awardee Jennifer McCallister, MD The Ohio State University Pulmonary Medical School: A Novel Approach to Fellow Orientation
Educator Awards
Emerging Educator Award

Through its Emerging Educator Award,the APCCMPD honors up-and-coming medical educators who excel in delivering and promoting medical education through various means at the local and regional levels. Awardees are a pulmonary, critical care or sleep clinician at the level of Instructor or Assistant Professor (or equivalent), within 1-4 years of fellowship, who spends a majority of their time serving as a clinician-educator.
2024 Awardee Viren Kaul, MD Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine SUNY Upstate Medical University |
2024 Awardee Kristina Montemayor, MD, MHS Assistant Professor of Medicine Johns Hopkins University |
2023 Awardee Avraham (Avi) Cooper, MD Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine The Ohio State University |
2023 Awardee Van Holden, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine University of Maryland |
2022 Awardee Diana Kelm, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science |
2022 Awardee Morgan I. Soffler, MD Assistant Professor Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center |
2021 Awardee Stacey Kassutto, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine University of Pennsylvania |
2021 Awardee Anna K. Brady, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine Oregon Health & Science University |
2020 Awardee Lekshmi Santhosh, MD, MAEd Assistant Professor of Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine and Hospital Medicine University of California, San Francisco |
2019 Awardee Jared Chiarchiaro, MD, MS Assistant Professor of Medicine University of Pennsylvania |
2018 Awardee Margaret "Molly" Hayes, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School |
2017 Awardee Rosemary Adamson, MBBS Assistant Professor of Medicine University of Washington |
Mid-Career Educator Award

The Mid-Career Educator Award honors mid-career educators who are actively engaged in enhancing the practice and profession of pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary/critical care medicine through education. Medical educators selected for this award are actively making significant and innovative contributions to education. These contributions should include excellence in education beyond the local level, with recognition of the recipient's excellence, which may include teaching, directing, mentoring, writing and speaking abilities, ideally to multiple levels of audiences including medical students, residents and fellowships.Candidates should be within 5-15 years of fellowship.
2024 Awardee Jakob I. McSparron, MD Clinical Associate Professor University of Michigan |
2024 Awardee Amee S. Patrawalla, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine Rutgers New Jersey Medical School |
2023 Awardee Mirna Mohanraj, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai |
2022 Awardee Bhavin Dalal, MBBS, MD Associate Professor Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine |
2021 Awardee Michael T. McCurdy, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine University of Maryland School of Medicine |
2020 Awardee Darlene R. Nelson, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science |
2019 Awardee Paru S. Patrawalla, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai |
Outstanding Educator Award

The Outstanding Educator Award (OEA) honors APCCMPD peer members who work diligently to foster excellence through training and mentoring of the next generation of pulmonary and critical care physicians. This aspirational award recognizes an individual who has devoted a major portion of their professional life to enhancing the practice and profession of pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary/critical care medicine through education. The awardee has cultivated achievements for which peer medical educators can aspire. The educator selected for this award has made significant, innovative, and cumulatively outstanding contributions to education. These contributions should include excellence in education beyond the local level, with widespread recognition of the recipient's excellence, which may include teaching, directing, mentoring, writing and speaking abilities, ideally to multiple levels of audiences including medical students, residents and fellowships.
2024 Awardee Jennifer McCallister, MD Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine The Ohio State University College of Medicine |
2023 Awardee Carolyn D'Ambrosio, MD, MS Associate Professor of Medicine Yale University School of Medicine |
2022 Awardee James Frank, MD, MA Professor of Medicine University of California, San Francisco |
2021 Awardee Doreen J. Addrizzo-Harris, MD Professor of Medicine New York University Grossman School of Medicine |
2020 Awardee Mark R. Tonelli, MD Professor University of Washington |
2019 Awardee David Schulman, MD, MPH Professor of Medicine Emory University |
2018 Awardee Robert Kotloff, MD Professor of Medicine Cleveland Clinic |
2017 Awardee Edward F. Haponik, MD Professor of Medicine Wake Forest School of Medicine |
2016 Awardee Henry E. Fessler, MD Professor of Medicine Johns Hopkins University |
Funding Awards
2023 Awardee Clara J. Schroedl, MD, MS Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Impact of Simulation-Based Mastery Learning on Massive Hemoptysis Management for Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellows and Advanced Practice Providers |
2021 Awardee Dru Claar, MD University of Michigan Bronchoscopy Assessment in Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellows |
2019 Awardee Lekshmi Santhosh, MD, MAEd University of California, San Francisco Improving ICU-to-Ward Patient Safety Through Design Thinking and Documentation Evaluation |
2017 Awardee Stacey Kassutto, MD University of Pennsylvania The Impact of a Novel Ambulatory Curriculum on Pulmonary Fellowship Training |
2017 Awardee Effie Singas, MD Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Validation of a Novel Training Method to Assess Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine (PCCM) Fellows' Competence to Perform Thoracentesis |
2014 Awardee Gabriel Bosslet, MD, MA Indiana University Development and Internal Validation of an Objective Scoring Tool for Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Candidate Screening and Selection Using a Simplified Analytic Hierarchy Process |
2014 Awardee Subani Chandra, MD New York Presbyterian Hospital Improving Pulmonary/Critical Care Ultrasonography Skills Among Fellows with an Interactive Digital Educational Program |
2012 Awardee Paru S. Patrawalla, MD New York University Impact of Faculty Development on Fellow Ultrasound Skill Evaluation |
2010 Awardee Jennifer McCallister, MD The Ohio State University Communication Skills Training and Competency Assessment for Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellows |
APCCMPD Scholarship in Medical Education Research Award

The APCCMPD Scholarship in Medical Education Research Award is a monetary grant awarded to Fellows-in-Training, junior faculty within 5-years of program completion, Associate Program Directors, and/or Program Directors, for research projects that further adult pulmonary and critical care graduate medical education.
2024 Awardee Brian Reuland, MD New York University Grossman School of Medicine The ECMO-Track: Development of a Longitudinal Curriculum for Critical Care Fellows with Special Interest in Extracorporeal Life Support |
2022 Awardee Erica Lin, MD University of California, San Diego Integration of Succinct Video Podcasts into the Pulmonary and Critical Care Curriculum |
2020 Awardee Camille R. Petri, MD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Understanding the Educational Roles of Interprofessional Providers in the ICU |
2018 Awardee Paul A. Bergl, MD Medical College of Wisconsin Launching a Fellows-As-Teachers and Fellow-Led Rounding Initiative: Outcomes and Lessons Learned |
ATS-APCCMPD Award Research Grant for Medical Education of the Physician-Scientist

The ATS-APCCMPD Award Research Grant for Medical Education of the Physician-Scientistis a monetary grant awarded jointly by the ATS and the APCCMPD. Together, the ATS and the APCCMPD are collaborating to provide faculty the opportunity to investigate graduate medical education topics that will aid in the development of future physician-scientists in adult pulmonary and critical care medicine.
2024 Awardee Tessa Steel, MD, MPH University of Washington Climbing a Mountain: A Rapid Assessment Process to Improve T32 Research Training |
CHEST and APCCMPD Medical Educator Diversity Scholar Fellowship Award


The APCCMPD and CHEST Medical Educator Scholar Diversity Fellowship Award provides support and funding for fellows who intend to pursue a career in medical education and significantly contribute to the diversity of the medical education community including, but not limited to, applicants from backgrounds historically underrepresented in medicine. This scholarship provides monetary support for expenses related to training a fellow for an academic career as a medical educator. Allowable expenses include, but are not limited to, courses related to teaching skills or medical education research; funding to support a 1-year medical education research project; and providing protected time to an external mid-career or an advanced career medical educator at a different institution than the fellow’s institution, to mentor the fellow-in-training.
2024 Mentor Awardee Başak Çoruh, MD University of Washington
2024 Mentee Awardee Esha Kapania, MD University of Louisville |
CHEST Foundation and APCCMPD Award Research Grant for Medical Education


The CHEST Foundation and APCCMPD Award Research Grant for Medical Education is a monetary grant awarded jointly by the CHEST Foundation and the APCCMPD. Together, the CHEST Foundation and the APCCMPD are collaborating to advance graduate medical education and provide opportunities for scholarly activity that support medical educators in the field of adult pulmonary and/or critical care graduate medical education.
2022 Awardee Christopher Thanh Leba, MD, MPH University of California, San Francisco Evaluating a 3D Printed Tracheobronchial Model for Bronchoscopy Training and its Use in Understanding Embodied Cognition in Procedural Education |
2021 Awardee Mark H. Adelman, MD New York University Grossman School of Medicine Virtual Reality Simulation Training for Management of Tracheostomy Emergencies |
2020 Awardee Ilana Roberts Krumm, MD University of Washington What's Good About Soul Food? Discovering and Analyzing Elements of an ICU Team Group Discussion Which Improve Provider Wellness |