APCCMPD Recommendation on 2024-25 Applicant Interviews Read the full recommendation here.
APCCMPD Recommendation on the MyERAS®Application for the 2023-2024 recruitment cycle Read the full recommendation here.
2024/25 Recruitment Cycle Timeline
- July 17, 2024: Fellowship programs may begin reviewing applications
- August 21, 2024: Match Registration Opens
- September 25, 2024: Ranking Opens
- November 6, 2024: Quota Change Deadline
- November 20, 2024: Rank Order List Certification Deadline
- December 4, 2024: Match Day
- July 1, 2025: Training Begins
IM-CCM NRMP Match FAQ. Download here and here.
IM-CCM NRMP Match Orientation View Here
Leveling Up Virtual Interviews Watch Here
Lighting up the Screen: Tips for Trainees for a Successful Virtual Interview Read Here
Pearls and Pitfalls of Virtual Interviews Listen Here | Watch Here
Emerging your Fellowship from the COVID 19 Pandemic Series: Virtual Interviews Listen Here
Implementing a Holistic Approach to Fellowship Selection Listen Here | Watch Here
Organizing and Scheduling Virtual Interviews Watch Here
Interviews and ERAS Tutorial Watch Here
Supplemental ERAS Application- Next Steps for Specialties and Programs Watch Here
APCCMPD Advocacy on Applicant Recruitment
APCCMPD Recommendation on Interviews for the 2024/2025 Recruitment Cycle May 18, 2024
The Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) consists of program leaders from Critical Care Medicine (CCM), Pulmonary Medicine, and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (PCCM). It represents 98% of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited fellowships in these subspecialties. The APCCMPD’s mission is to foster excellence in training and mentor future pulmonary and critical care medicine educators. In addition, the APCCMPD provides a communication channel among fellowship programs and stakeholder organizations.
As part of our mission, the APCCMPD has a vested interest in all aspects of fellowship recruitment. In March 2021 and 2022, the APCCMPD assembled an Interview Task Force to recommend fellowship interviews for the upcoming recruitment cycles. The Interview Task Force comprised 11 volunteer APCCMPD members representing pulmonary, CCM, and PCCM training programs, with diverse geographic distribution and program size. Task Force members included Program Directors, an Associate Program Director, two fellows-in-training, and a Program Coordinator to ensure broad representation.
Looking toward the 2024-2025 recruitment cycle, the APCCMPD built upon the prior work of its Interview Task Force. In February 2024, the APCCMPD BOD initiated a survey of member Pulmonary, Critical Care, and PCCM program directors to seek input on preferred interview formats for the upcoming recruitment cycle and the importance of consistency across our subspecialties.
APCCMPD Recommendations:
- The APCCMPD recommends that CCM, Pulmonary, and PCCM fellowship interviews be virtual only for all applicants, including local applicants, in the 2024-2025 interview cycle.
Read the full recommendation.
Resources for Your Program
To ensure that applicants understand the rationale for not offering in-person interviews or site visits, the APCCMPD encourages you to place the following language and link on your Fellowship Program's websites where applicants will visit:
"In alignment with the Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD), our national professional society, and to ensure a uniform interview process equitable to all applicants, our fellowship interviews for applicants in 2024-2025 will be held exclusively virtually. We will not offer in-person site visits. The full recommendation is available here.
2024/25 Recruitment Cycle Timeline
- July 17, 2024: Fellowship programs may begin reviewing applications
- August 21, 2024: Match Registration Opens
- September 25, 2024: Ranking Opens
- November 6, 2024: Quota Change Deadline
- November 20, 2024: Rank Order List Certification Deadline
- December 4, 2024: Match Day
- July 1, 2025: Training Begins
Learn more about additional recruitment resources and APCCMPD advocacy on recruitment issues.
NRMP Proposed Rank Order List (ROL) Lock Functionality
June 2023
At the NRMP May 2023 Board of Directors meeting, the NRMP Board of Directors reviewed the survey results and the feedback from the public comment process, as well as input gained via listening sessions with stakeholder groups and student and specialty group statements solicited by the NRMP. Given the complexities outlined in the comments from constituents and stakeholders, the NRMP has decided to continue community discussion on the ROL Lock option to understand better how such a proposal could be enhanced and modified to move forward without negatively affecting the process or Match stakeholders. The NRMP will convene a Match Innovations Summit with key stakeholder groups to further examine the proposal and discuss other Match innovations, including a two-phase Match. The APCCMPD intends to represent the Pulmonary, Critical Care, and PCCM Fellowship Communities at this stakeholder summit.
April 2023
The APCCMPD was been asked to respond to The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) regarding the utility of a proposed Rank Order List (ROL) Lock functionality for programs. The APCCMPD’s response to the NRMP was be based on our member’s collective feedback.
The APCCMPD submitted two joint letters:
- One letter with Program Director representatives from the IM-Subspecialties: Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD); Association of Program Directors in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism; Sleep Medicine Fellowship Program Directors Council, American Academy of Sleep Medicine; American College of Rheumatology, Committee on Rheumatology Training and Workforce Issues; and the Education & Training Committee of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA); Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). Click here to review.
- One from the APCCMPD. Click here to review.
Click here for more background information on this issue.
APCCMPD Recommendation on Interviews for the 2022/2023 Recruitment Cycle
May 26, 2022
The Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) consists of program leaders from Critical Care Medicine (CCM), Pulmonary Medicine, and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (PCCM), and represents 96% of Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited fellowships in these subspecialties. The APCCMPD’s mission is to foster excellence in training as well as to mentor future educators in pulmonary and critical care medicine. In addition, the APCCMPD provides a communication channel among fellowship programs and with stakeholder organizations.
As part of our mission, the APCCMPD takes a vested interest in all aspects of fellowship recruitment. In March 2022, the APCCMPD assembled an Interview Task Force to make recommendations for fellowship interviews for the 2022-2023 recruitment cycle. The Interview Task Force was composed of 11 volunteer APCCMPD members, representing training programs in both CCM and PCCM, with diverse geographic distribution, and program size. Task Force members included Program Directors, an Associate Program Director, two fellows-in-training, and a Program Coordinator to ensure broad representation.
APCCMPD Recommendations:
- The APCCMPD strongly recommend CCM, Pulmonary, and PCCM fellowship interviews be virtual-only for all applicants, including local applicants, in the 2022-2023 interview cycle.
- The APCCMPD strongly recommend against CCM, Pulmonary, and PCCM fellowship programs offering optional in-person (“second-look”) visits to applicants in 2022-2023.
Read the full recommendation here.
Resources for Your Program To ensure that applicants understand the rationale for not offering in-person interviews or site visits the APCCMPD encourages you to place the following language and link on your Fellowship Program's websites where applicants will visit:
"In alignment with the Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD), our national professional society, and to ensure a uniform interview process that is equitable to all applicants, our fellowship interviews for applicants in 2022-2023 will be held exclusively virtually. We will not offer in-person site visits. The full recommendation is available here." [https://apccmpd.memberclicks.net/assets/Interviews/APCCMPD_Interview_Task_Force_Recommendation_22_23_Interviews.pdf]
APCCMPD Recommendation on Interviews for the 2021/2022 Recruitment Cycle
May 28, 2021 The Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) consists of program leaders from Critical Care Medicine (CCM), Pulmonary Medicine, and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (PCCM), representing 96% of ACGME-accredited fellowships in these subspecialties. As part of our mission, the APCCMPD takes a vested interest in all aspects of fellowship recruitment. In May 2021, the APCCMPD assembled an Interview Task Force to make recommendations for fellowship interviews. As a community of CCM, Pulmonary, and PCCM programs, we feel it is critical to have a uniform interview process to ensure equity and embody trainee-centric approaches. The APCCMPD recommends to our community that CCM, Pulmonary, and PCCM fellowship interviews should be held exclusively virtually for all applicants in 2021-2022. Read the full recommendation here.
Resources for Your Program To ensure that applicants understand the rationale for not offering in-person interviews or site visits the APCCMPD encourages you to place the following language and link on your Fellowship Program's websites where applicants will visit:
"In alignment with the Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD), our national professional society, and to ensure a uniform interview process that is equitable to all applicants, our fellowship interviews for applicants in 2021-2022 will be held exclusively virtually. We will not offer in-person site visits. The full recommendation is available here." [https://apccmpd.memberclicks.net/assets/Advocacy/APCCMPD_2021_Interview_Recommendations%205.27.21.pdf]
APCCMPD Applies to the NRMP for an IM-CCM Match
March 25, 2021 In January 2020, the Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD) Multi-society Uniform Match Policy Task Force convened a summit to discuss the advantages, barriers, concerns and possible ways forward toward developing a match for Internal Medicine-Critical Care Medicine (IM-CCM) fellowships. The discussion at the summit revealed a common desire to reduce candidate stress and to encourage a fair recruitment system that finds a good fit between program and candidate.
Subsequently, in December of 2020 the task force surveyed IM-CCM Program Directors to determine if 75% of the IM-CCM programs would agree to participating in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) allocating 75% of the total positions. The survey results indicated that the collective participation of IM-CCM fellowship programs would support these Match requirements allowing the APCCMPD to pursue and sponsor the IM-CCM participation in the Match. The NRMP has approved APCCMPD's application to sponsor IM-CCM in the NRMP match for the 2021 appointment year.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Electronic Residency Application System Opens- July 15, 2021 (anticipated)
- Match Opens- August 26, 2021
- Rank Order Lists Open- September 30, 2021
- Quota change deadline- November 4, 2021
- Rank Order Lists Due- November 18, 2021
- Match Day- December 2, 2021
APCCMPD Responds to NRMP Survey- Syncing IM-Subspecialty and Pediatric Match Date
February 1, 2021 The Council of Pediatric Subspecialties, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, Association of Pediatric Program Directors, and the National Resident Matching Program surveyed Subspecialty Match Sponsors to assess Pediatric and Internal Medicine (IM) willingness to move their subspecialty match by 2 weeks in order to develop a combined match for residents pursuing Pediatrics or IM fellowships. Learn more and read APCCMPD's Response
APPCCMPD and Uniform Match Policy Taskforce Provide CCM Updates to Match and Application Cycle
June 10, 2020 Review a letter from the APCCMPD Board of Directors and the Uniform Match Policy Taskforce regarding follow-up steps to the Uniform Match Policy Summit, held in January 2002. The APCCMPD and Uniform Match Policy Taskforce also provide suggestions to support applicant fairness given the delayed opening of ERAS until August 12, 2020. We look forward to continuing to serve you.
Review the Letter
ERAS Announces Timeline for 2021 Fellowship Application Timeline
May 20, 2020 ERAS has announced that fellowship programs will gain access to ERAS on August 12, 2020. Learn more.
APCCMPD Recommends Virtual Interviews for Upcoming Application and Interview Season
May 15, 2020 Much uncertainty exists about how the COVID-19 Pandemic will impact this upcoming application and interview season. Shelter-in-place orders, travel bans, and work place/training demands of programs across the United States will undoubtedly change the ability of applicants to travel and of programs to host visitors.
As a community of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Programs, we coalesce around the belief that the safety and wellbeing of our staff, faculty, and trainees are of utmost importance. With this in mind, the APCCMPD Board of Directors recommends that all programs conduct all of their fellowship interviews virtually. Review the full recommendation.
AAIM Requests APCCMPD to comment on Proposal to ERAS & NRMP Modifying Fellowship Application Dates in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Friday, April 17, 2020 AAIM requested APCCMPD's comment by April 22, 2020 on modifying 2020 application deadlines in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Given the short time to respond the APCCMPD Board of Directors convened a rapid survey of past Board Members and current board members including a fellow representative and programs affected drastically by the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City. Review APCCMPD's Response.
APCCMPD Requests ACGME Postpone Fellowship Program Deadlines in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thursday, March 12, 2020 Postponement of Milestones 2.0 Implementation- During the APCCMPD 2020 Annual Virtual Conference attendees expressed their concern to ACGME regarding the upcoming July 2020 implementation of Milestones 2.0, while preparing and addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to APCCMPD Member feedback, the ACGME agreed to postpone implementation until July 2021.
Friday, March 13, 2020 Annual Survey, 2020 Self-study Deadlines, and Site Visits in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic- On behalf of APCCMPD Members, the APCCMPD requested the ACGME postpone the annual survey; 2020 self-study deadlines; and site visits. The APCCMPD also requested the ACGME consider the current circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic upon reviewing annual survey results. Consideration must be given to the lack of faculty and fellow development around the new survey and the likely impact the pandemic will have on trainee and faculty wellbeing and morale. See email correspondence. See ACGME's Response
APCCMPD Responds to Call for Comments on Proposed Changes to USMLE Score Report On July 26, 2019, the APCCMPD responded to the proposed changes to the USMLE Score Report as outlined in a the Summary Report and Preliminary Recommendations from the Invitational Conference on USMLE Scoring (InCUS), March 11-12, 2019.
July 26, 2019- Learn More and Read APCCMPD's Response
Proposed Revisions to NRMP Internal Medicine Specialty Match Timeline
November 2009- Correspondence to the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine